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domenica 31 luglio 2016

Crepes con crema al limone e caramello

Ingredienti per 8 crepes persone

    •  tuorli
    •  zucchero
    •  burro salato
    •  limone non trattato
    •  burro
    •  maizena
    •  crepes

Per la preparazione delle crepes con crema al limone e caramello occorre come prima cosa preparare la crema al limone: preleva la scorzetta grattugiandola e trasferiscila direttamente in un pentolino con i due tuorli e lo zucchero. 
Mescola con una frustina e unisci la maizena e infine il succo del limone filtrato. Aggiungi 1 dl di acqua e metti il pentolino su fuoco basso per fare addensare la crema, mescolando sempre con la frustina.
Quando la crema sarà densa togli il pentolino dal fuoco e unisci il burro a dadini, mescolando ancora fino a quando si sarà sciolto.
Per preparare il caramello, metti il burro salato in un padellino insieme allo zucchero e scalda su fiamma media. Quando il caramello avrà assunto un bel colore ambrato (attenzione a non farlo scurire, diventerebbe amaro) versa 1/2 dl di acqua calda e lascialo sul fuoco un paio di minuti per far sciogliere i grumi di caramello.
Puoi servire le crepes calde o fredde, accompagnate con la crema. 

Inflatable zone

Hey guys we are in the middle of summer so live it to the fullest!
My summer began only today and I 'm enjoying right now the sea , but I recommend you move and also enjoy playing sports and playing with their friends and family!
I am giving you an idea Inflatable Water Walking Ball !

They are all transparent inflatable ball -shaped, large but lightweight and very durable , ensuring that you have endless fun .
In fact, thanks to the inflatable water roller ball can float and especially to walk on water entering inside of this ball .
Water ball is highly popular for both children and adults, for it is easy to play and there are not many strict rules to follow. Players simply get inside the ball and walk around the water surface having fun and sometimes bump into each other, or just walk around and get exercised. 
 Nowadays, water ball is widely used for a pool party, family and friends gathering events, or any other kinds of activities. It is often played in a swimming pool, lake or seaside. 
Is made with PVC 0.8mm. The Inflatable Water Walking Ball are availabe in various sizes and colors blue,red,yellow, green,clear ect.
You can buy what you like in!

In the site you will find for sale not only inflatable water roller ball but also a wide range of items that can be used both on the ground and in the water ; in short, it just has to visit the site in order to discover their big range of products.
  • Bouncy castle (also known as inflatable trampolines, bouncy houses, moon bounce, moonwalks, or CITs) is temporary inflatable structures and buildings and similar items that are rented for functions, school and church festivals and village fetes and used for recreational purposes, particularly for children. 

  • Inflatable bouncy castles are ideal for portable amusements because they are easy to transport and store. The surface of bouncy castle is typically made of thick, strong and durable PVC or vinyl and nylon, and the castle is inflated using an electric or petrol-powered pump or blower. 

large bouncy castle,commercial jumping castle,jumping house

  • The surface of bouncy castle is typically made of thick, strong and durable PVC or vinyl and nylon, and the castle is inflated using an electric or petrol-powered pump or blower. Nowadays, home-use inflatable bouncy castle has evolved, with a blower pumping in air continuously. 

  • Pores in the seams and material allow air to escape as children play, while the blower continues to inflate the unit. 
  •  Bouncy castle is a great way to keep children busy, excited and exercised. And at the present day bouncy castle is widely used in amusement park or private purposes such as parties, company events, school activities, etc.

inflatable kids castle,jumping inflatable castle,inflatable bouncy castle pvc quality